Monday, March 18, 2013

sunshine & bubbles

i love bath time with our little butterbean.. it usually means some good one-on-one time with baby and Hubs... It has been fun to see the progression from screaming  infant : " Dont you DARE put me in that water~ AHHH  hot lava, hot lava  yiiiiiiii!!!" , to seeing him kick his chubby little legs and take delight in the water splashing around him. I especially like all his little rolls and button toes sticking out, a healthy glowing boy.

 Every now and then he gets so comfi-cozi that he pees straight up into the air like a true sailor-child, and Hubs and I are reduced to laughing..

he loves to just sit in the tub, rub-a-dubb-dubbing.. he looks so like an old man sitting in his bath for a good ole fashioned soak... we scrub his fingernails with a toothbrush, and give a good polish to those chunky neck-folds, getting in all his nooks and crannies.. he pretty much comes out looking like a Johnson- &-Johnson bath time advertisement..

His least favorite moments are having his hair washed (* and by hair i mean stubborn follicles sticking straight up, and a bald spot on the back)...  Hubs takes out a measuring cup and gives him a good soak.. his locks get all fuzzy and curly and he resembles a fluffy duckling ..

 I know that my motherhood will be full of bath times, but right now they are still special moments that i treasure.. .i still enjoy kissing his baby toes, and trouncing him up in little hooded towels and watching his face light up when i lather him up with baby lotion:(that always gives him a good tickle)

 i do not want to forget his sweet baby smell right out of the bath.. like sunshine and bubbles. . .  oh how sentimental we mothers get~!

little baby love, i so enjoy our bath times together~! Soon you will be able to sit up yourself in the bathtub, and then everything changes again.. there will be bath toys, and little squeaking whales and ships, and i am sure an overflow from the tub from you making waves, and splashing about,  like a true commodore!

but for now, dont grow up quite yet, stay my sweet duckling, just for a little bit longer.

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