Wednesday, March 20, 2013


 i cannot help but love his face when he sleeps..

  •  the pouty cherry red lips
  •  the arm careless thrown above his head
  • his stuffed animal (lovey) loyally at his side
  • the long lashes that flutter about like butterfly wings when he dreams
what do babies dream about? puppies? soft blankets ?

all i know is that when i see this little bundle-I cannot believe we made something so perfect.

This time last year, I did not know he even existed .. and yet there he was, like a little whisper inside of me -growing into this tiny, sweet boy- that is all my own.

what did we do today?

  • read a book about the ocean
  • worked on his standing (more like shaky legged pirate walk)
  • looked at snowflakes outside the window ( i pretend it was snowflakes.. i am pretty sure he only saw as far out as the windowpane.. ) 
  •  Hubs brought home a toy T-rex -and  Jack started crying when it roared- he wouldn't let go of me for a whole 15 minutes (we then eased him into the T-rex by allowing it to stand near him during bathtime ;:)
  • momma was singing quite a few eerie/celtic made up tunes, as she had just watched The Hobbit
  • spent lots of time kicking those chubby baby legs and working on hated tummy time
  • took a bath and cried when we put him in his pajamas
  • had multiple hats tried on him to see which ones go into storage and which ones still fit. .. . who knew you would receive so many hats at baby showers?  hats galore~!
speaking of hats... isn't he a regular dandy? This was a hat my mother in law bought when i was pregnant.. and i didnt think it would fit yet.. and there it is..

what a handsome little thing. 
poor child doesn't know how many pictures he will be in.. shhh don't tell him..

he always has such a very sober face.. i barely ever catch a smile..   its like the weight of the world is on his baby shoulders.. (* and he has never even experienced diaper rash~!!)

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