i read some good advice this morning.. on talking
about children and our lives,.. and how sometimes we want to fit a child
into our 'plans' for the day.. or our life as we see it.. and we get
angry when they fuss, or cry, or refuse to get into the car seat... the
piece of advice was to truly evaluate whether or not you are frustrated
at your child for actively disobeying, OR whether you are frustrated
that your child is not following what your envisioned agenda was for that
i know that sounds like pure common sense, but i
KNOW there has already been days where I am dressed and ready to go,
every imaginable needed thing in the diaper bag, naptime is on schedule,
feeding is done: this plane is ready for takeoff .....and BOOOOOOOM
'diaper explosion', and i feel upset. .I feel like everything was
planned and ready, and now i am late.. and plans change, or cannot go
'on schedule' like they use to. Already on this journey I have had plans with friends I have had to cancel, a screaming child I have tried to put into a carseat, a day of errands cutt short in order to feed him, or, *gasp* having to watch the Bachelor finale, online, 24 hours after the winner is announced, because it happens to fall on his bedtime that I am trying to make routine. . . .
and to be honest, there is still a little part of me that is still finding it difficult to adjust.. to realize, its not going to happen how i want it to anymore.. i can try my hardest to plan, to synchronize, to create routines and schedules to make things flow easier.. but.. there are going to be days i need to realize the most important thing right now is being a mother.. and being a mother means not being in control of all the little details of MY life anymore..
but you know what happened that day?
I unbundled Jackson, went upstairs,
sat on my bed with him, and he just smiled back at me.. unphased by my
carefully laid plans that ran a-muck.. just happy to be there, smiling his gummy smile
up at me, kcking his chubby little hamhock thighs
.. and .. you know what- those are the moments I will remember
in the end.
the simple moments of gummy smiles with my baby boy.
I would not trade that smile for a lifetime of Bachelor finale parties -that i will surely forget.the simple moments of gummy smiles with my baby boy.
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