Saturday, April 13, 2013

takes a village..

i find the house is a little extra quiet this week.. my in laws came for a visit for almost a whole week.. thus no blogging for me as we were running errands all over town in blessed busy-ness~!  
"Ikea?', no problem,

'Costco ?': Yes please~! 
'Thrift stores?' ~! OF COURSE~!

it .....was ....delightful.

*i am lucky to say that a visit from the "in laws" is not a dreaded agenda, but rather it filled our house with three F's: good food, family and fellowship~!
  I am one of those blessed people that has a mother in law that i not only like, but LOOOVVVEEE.. and she is always bringing something splendid for little Jackson..  this time , she crocheted a giraffe~! 
I mean, if wonder woman existed, she would be my modern day mother in law, ( who can not only cook, sew, plan events, and THRIFT with the best of them., she also has a heart o' gold. ) She is always looking for jadeite on the sly for me, along with any other collection that I have going at any given moment.. and most of all, she has this inner knack to remember the things you like and shower you with holiday cheer.. i mean, i try not to brag to my girlfriends, but really... i mean really.. i have the best MOL evaaa!~
And my father in law.. he entertained Jackson by quacking like donald duck sooo long, i am afraid he may have bruised some vocal chords.. ALTHOUGH- He did procure quittttteee a few giggles if I may say so ~ *jealous*

  Jackson woke up today, and instead of getting bundled downstairs to the warm arms of grandmummy-  (and this mommy getting a much coveted MORNING shower..)
 instead.. it was quiet..., and a brightness was gone.. I suppose this is why, it "takes a village" to raise a child...Unfortunately for them -they had to brave a snow storm in April, whilst grass was growing where they live.. Ahh ... land of ice and snow.- i was tempted to hop in the car with them and say goodbye to the Hubs for a coupla' weeks.
needless to say, I am going to have to go back to quiet days and nights again.. it was a wonderful "stay-cation" for me, and refreshed me with laughter and good company.. My Hubs being a guy that needs alone time, doesn't understand how this re-winds my inner clock and makes me come alive.. 
Now if only this weather would straighten out and I could get back to the stroller.  (*altho: both Jack and i are suffering from colds.. and i am hacking along the the stroller might be on a temporary hiatus )

as for Jackson, he is pirouetting with the best of them in his Johnny Jump Up.. he tries so hard to stand  but ends up swaying around with his feet dusting the floor.. HA. Today i was able to entertain him with an animal cracker bag for almost 15 minutes.. *As the Hubs said: "should i be worried our child is entertained by garbage?" .. but 15 minutes, is still 15 minutes, SO ill TAKE IT~! 

He also is truly fascinated by eyeballs, .. but unfortunately that fascination is synonymous with wanting to scratch at said eyeballs.. Now on a stuffed elephant it's one thing, but i have truly had to wrangle his little hands away from plucking out my own blue's like a pecking little crow. If he could put my whole face IN his mouth-he would be even more satisfied, but as this will not suffice, nor is it possible (*even though he has on occasion sucked on my chin, dont judge me~! )...., he is obsessed with chewing away at slightly wet washcloths  (A fair trade if i do say so myself).

We spent most of our Saturday indoors today, .. little flakes of snow were swirling down, and it was not idyllic, or pretty, or romantic: so do not try to convince me. Christmas is over, even March *(my most hated month) is over, and still the snow keeps coming. . Now, I am just a frustrated mommy wanting her baby to see the blue sky and put his little toes in the grass: IS THAT SO MUCH to ASK>?

so .. spring, if you hear me: "Come out, come out wherever you are.. ~!"

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