Tuesday, April 2, 2013

jumpin' jack

cannot believe our little stinker is almost turning 4 months..
today he has been teething and i swear sometimes he is growling at me..
 sometimes his mouth hurts so much that he chomps on my knuckle, or even tries to chomp my chin..
he has grown leaps and bounds just in the last two weeks.. he has learned to hold on to my hands to sit up , as well as his neck is much stronger and he is liking less and less to lay on my legs and relax.. he is starting to fight being just on his back:

 Last week we broke out the Johnny Jump up, we decided it was due time to get the little feller moving those legs.. thus far he only slides along.. and has not realized the cause and effect .. but when he does.. he will take to it like a fish to water. 


speaking of water.. .he is enjoying his baths more.. he likes to streeeeeetch out his legs and the 'infant tub' is starting to make him look so big. He also has graduated to an excer-saucer, and it almost makes me sad to see him sitting up banging his fists against toys.. he is an infant no longer, and barely even seems like a baby..
little biddy baby no more.

*(PS: our house is taken over by toys.. its like the living room has become a plethora of primary colors and plastic. UG.) it breaks my decorating heart.

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