Wednesday, February 27, 2013

and so it begins . .

So I think its time, ....

"Time for what?", you say.

Time to start a blog of the comings and goings, joys and triumphs and every little piece of my life that I may forget someday...My Hubs likes to frequently remind me that I obsessively document my life through pictures.. and that our hard drive will most certainly crash one day.  . . I can't help that I have a need/ (ok, compulsion) to document the 'every day' ....can you blame me? The "everyday" is what makes life so extraordinary~!

As of yesterday, I have quit my current job of 'college student scratch board,' and have jointly made the decision with my Hubs to become a stay at home mom.  This new journey is one I have always looked forward to, and even now just realizing how much I should remember to send my mom once a week thank you cards for her previous: sleep deprivation, snot removal, and spit up maintenance 28 years ago.

I have already had a generous maternity leave to begin this new phase of life, and am familiar with the jealous feelings I have when I see new moms post on facebook " My little angel slept through the night again: I am sooooo refreshed~!!!!!"  (Ok, maybe  bitttt of an  overstatement, but could i really get arrested for beating a fellow mother senseless? "But officer, she said her baby SLept THrOuGh the NIGHTTTTTT... !!!""")

So here I am .. currently in a blue bathrobe that my Hubs bought me, probably not realizing JUST how much it would be worn once the newborn arrived.. Yesterday was my FIRST  time with a babysitter, so I could say goodbye to my old "work life" and now embrace this new change. ..

I have been blessed by an overwhelming response from people congratulating me, and for this i am grateful.. but DARE i look at the underbelly of some of these congratulations and peek into what people were REEEALLY thinking:

-"wow, your husband must be loaded!"  (we frequently roll around in one dollar bills to convince ourselves of this)
-"now she can burn off some of that baby fat" (dang, still not doing the crunches like i imagined, here's to flat abs 2015~!)
-"lucky girl gets to  sit around eating bon bons all day" (I prefer gummy Swedish Fish; a' thank you..)
"congrats" (to which there is usually added a pained look on their face that makes me feel like they might have gas..)
 and finally:
"I am so happy for you, it is a wonderful opportunity, and you won't regret it~!" (i have had many of these genuine responses and for that I am grateful)

So here is to my first day as an "official" stay at home mom. Already I have suctioned snot, ran up the stairs in a mad frenzy cause I heard a loud noise on the baby monitor that I assumed was my son choking: (Turns out it was an explosive poopie diaper)...and all before 8 am ~!
I promise to not be very entertaining.. but at least somewhat honest..
Here's to you motherhood!  Three cheers : HIP HIP HOORAY~!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I look forward to reading your blog regularly, it is the everyday that makes life extraordinary - you have a great way of putting things. Three cheers for you starting a blog, and for babycakes!
