Monday, July 1, 2013

TEETH and other nonsensicals

and so it begins..

2 little teeth that change everything
 the drooling.. the fevers... the sleepless nights (*wait who am i fooling that part was already happening.. )  i cant believe this little munchkin has 'cut' his teeth.. and being the stubborn little nugget he is,  he decided to do BOTH teeth at the same time.. 

Well, I say that and i DONT state the obvious :
1. i have been severly absent from my blog
2. i have really, really, really not posted in a long time (*insert catholic ol-fashioned-knuckle- rappin here)
3. I have let lots of memories slip on by (eep)
4. I have been realllllly busy with this little shaver that i cant beat myself up about it.. 

 So that being said, what is a snap shot of today?

Today little Jack had a full day of simultaneously being SOOO excited to try to pull himself up on things, and then soo defeated when he ultimately had gravity pulling him back down (and with his haunches, gravity didn't have to work too hard)

He is big enough to ride around in shopping carts without the car seat, and he got to go along on my hubbie and I's '50% off thrift store adventure' yesterday.. Which is so funny, cause all i do is look for toys and clothes for the Jack-man.  Lucky scores? Found a bubble blowing toy lawn mower that most definately will be used in the future, as well as some clothes .. I almost splurged on a cute little Gap-like wool vest and pants combo that had Christmas family pictures" just dying to be taken.. but.. as this little tyke keeps growing, I am afraid by Christmas- picture- time the vest buttons would pop off like a christmas ham and go flying into the bushes.. so ,, the wool suit was sadly placed back onto the shelves for another thrifty-mother.. **BUT did i mention it had cute little plaid showing when you rolled up the sleeve cuffs up.. oh sigh .. sigh.. **

in other news.. we are spending some much needed family time for the 4th of july, and WHOLLY expect this child to be a water-baby.. we splurged on a little blow up saucer like contraption that should have him paddling around like a golden retriever in no time whatso-eva~! He will be garbed in:
a. a fully covering hat - WITH flaps
b. a spandexy- spanx- like water shirt (*Where can i get one)
c. a life vest
d. some sort of waterdiaper/or shorts if we-can-squeeze-his-buns in something
e. covered in sunscreen from button nose to pea shaped toes
f. possibly water shoes, though i MAY have to draw the line somewhere.. 

at this point he will be a buoy with eyes ..
all that to say, I am excited for his first time splashing about in a real body of water.. Bath times at our house are a reggggggular Olympic event.. so I cannot wait to introduce my deep love of minnesota lakes to him. 
as for me: Smores are most certainly on the agenda, as a much needed chitchat with one of my oldest friends, some bonfires, pontoon rides and some overdue sunsets.  . . cannot wait.  (*all this sprinkled with the shrill awakenings of a baby at 4 in the morning much to the chagrin of the other visitors..  "WHATTTTTT you heard him crying? I dont believe you, that is only his fire engine impression.."

and with that.. i will try not to let 2 months pass by again.. (

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